As we embrace the knowledge-based economy, a new economic structure, we are constantly reminded that we should equip ourselves in every possible way that we can. It is to ensure that we can compete and most of all, it is to ensure that we and what we do for a living are still relevant in an ever-changing world.

In the new economic structure, the position of the English language as a lingua franca has been elevated. 

The English Language should not be perceived as a language that helps us obtain knowledge and information alone. It has permeated through every branch of learning and through every area of our lives.

Those who intend to make a mark in the world or those who intend to survive economically in the global economy cannot take the new developments lightly. It is incumbent upon all of us to learn the English language as it is futile for us to go against the currents of change evolving continuously without interruptions.

As a result, we are forced to upskill or reskill so that we can continue improving ourselves in every possible way that we can. “Improve yourself and your conditions will also improve,” said a British thinker. 

One of the ways in which we can really improve ourselves is to understand how the English language really works. For adults who would like to improve their proficiency in spoken and written English, it is a wise investment on condition that they learn English using the Structural Approach which is suitable for non-native speakers of English.

The Structural Approach is based on the study of Traditional Grammar. When adults learn English using the Structural Approach, they are taught how to analyse and synthesise sentences. Analysis is the “breaking up of sentences” and synthesis is the “building up of sentences”.

Before adults can analyse and synthesise sentences, they must have prior knowledge of the 8 Parts of Speech. With that knowledge of the 8 Parts of Speech, the adults know how to marshal their thoughts and ideas effectively. In other words, they are better organized when they present their thoughts and ideas to others. 

Spoken and written English are the Transmission Skills. We must transmit our thoughts and ideas to others effectively and successfully. To do so, we must learn English using the Structural Approach as the study of analysis and synthesis of sentences can be found ONLY in Traditional Grammar. In that manner, we will have an edge over others who don’t know grammar at all.

When adults understand the various sentence patterns and sentence structures which are peculiar to the English language through the study of Traditional Grammar, they understand the real substance of the English language and they also understand how the English language really works.

In addition, those adults don’t resort to guesswork as they know the rules which are needed to help them transmit their thoughts and ideas to others clearly, correctly and confidently. 

Think about it. 

Do we present our thoughts and ideas to others in a haphazard and spontaneous manner or in a logical and organized manner? 

To reach that stage of obtaining proficiency in the English language, we must put in the required time, effort and money. And most of all, we must ensure that we are learning English using the right approach which is based on the study of grammar. 

In conclusion, adults who learn English using the Structural Approach, which is based on the study of Traditional Grammar, can become proficient in spoken and written English. 

Published by LOGOS English Services

I teach English using the Structural Approach. The English Language programmes are suitable for students and adults who are serious to understand how the language really works. The Structural Approach is based on the study of grammar. A learner who learns English using the Structural Approach will get the right results. He will enhance his thinking skills to analyse and synthesise sentences correctly. Without this knowledge, it will be very difficult for one to gain proficiency in the English language. The study of syntax plays a prominent role as the arrangement of words in the English language has its own uniqueness separate from other languages. Think about it. Would you want to learn a language in a haphazard manner or in a methodical manner? There is a method in whatever we do. Always proceed from the simple to the complex. For that reason, a learner must attempt many exercises found in the Structural Approach to be proficient in the English language.

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